Do you want to find more relevant information and news about trees?
This page will be periodically updated with articles about trees all over the world that our supporters submit for others to learn and grow their trees of knowledge.The eight most recent articles have previews below, however older posts can be found in our archived posts section.
Submit Your Tree News!
Have you seen any interesting articles about trees in the news? Do you want the information to cast a wider net? Submit your news pieces to our Google Form, and we will review and post them!
Celebration Trees on hold in Centre Wellington
In collaboration with the Centre Wellington Parks Department, we leveraged community donations to plant shade trees, with plaques personalized with a name supplied by the donor, in our community parks.This program started in 2009 and has had overwhelming success!Click here to read about the sixth annual tree dedication in Salem at Veterans Park; in Elora […]

Trees of Concern
Centre Wellington now has a tool that allows community members to express concern for our public trees (e.g. boulevard or public park). If you notice any public tree that might need care, fill out a Citizen Issue/Request Submission

At this rate, we will be just Mount, no Forest
Brooke Lambert, CAO, moderated the meeting.Isabel Buckmaster, GuelphToday

Life after the Sycamore Gap vandalism
Ben Martynoga Thu 5 Oct 2023 I went to Hadrian’s wall yesterday. Partly to report a story about how the felling of the tree at Sycamore Gap creates an opening, literal and figurative, through which we can look with fresh eyes at the upland landscapes of Britain. And partly to pay my respects to the fallen […]

Oak Wilt has come to Ontario
Did you know? Oak wilt kills thousands of oak trees each year in urban and natural forests. What can we do? Don’t move your firewood and avoid pruning Oak trees between June and September. For fact sheets, resources, and more information: Check out this page