Unchecked architecture is one of the main reason trees fail. Pruning is essential for a young tree to grow into adulthood – and we want our trees to live as long as possible. Thanks to a grant from the Canadian Tree Fund, Neighbourwoods on the Grand is very excited to continue our new program – Citizen Pruner. Only having been done once before in Thunder Bay, Citizen Pruner aims to prune the urban trees in our community. Our volunteers are trained by arborist Chris Morrison both in-class and in-field about how to properly identify and prune branches.
We will work in our community each summer, giving our urban trees some TLC. The Citizen Pruner program is extremely grateful to the professional arborists listed below for their help in training our volunteers in best practices and safety measures. These local professionals are founding members of the Centre Wellington Arborist Association. To learn more about them, check out our post for more information.
Want to Prune Your Tree?
Pruning makes the tree safer to be around, it improves the health and longevity of the tree, improve crop yield (of a fruit bearing tree), and can improve the appearance of the tree. All these factors are important for tree loving community members to keep our green friends healthy and safe.
For helpful advice on pruning your trees – and a number of other helpful tips to help improve the health of your trees, check out our Tree Tips page